Culturally Responsive Curriculum

In 2019, Advancing Literacy (formerly TCRWP) began a reexamination of our curriculum and pedagogy to emphasize the importance of teachers recognizing the funds of knowledge students and their families bring to schools and communities, and to help educators engage students’ strengths and voices. Our work to achieve this continues, as we keep equity and inclusion at the forefront of all that we do at Advancing Literacy. 

The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools (NYU Metro Center) has published a culturally relevant scorecard that has been an important part of our process of reexamining and revising curriculum and instructional practices.

The scorecard has helped us become acutely aware of areas where we are achieving the goal of culturally relevant curriculum and areas where we need to improve. We invite you to make use of this important resource and put into action a plan for equitable educational outcomes in your classrooms and schools.

We are happy to share examples of read-aloud plans and a sample curricular calendar that highlights some of the revisions we have made as we reconsider our content and workshop structures, including student partnerships, as well as small group and whole class conversations — these lend themselves to powerful thinking and discussions in classrooms around equity and inclusion.